
Still-kuvilla ja gif-animaatioilla kuvitettu kuusiosainen, kerronnallinen runokokonaisuus.
A six-part narrative poem with still pictures and gif animations.

Teksti, kuvitus, animaatio | Text, illustration, animation   Ariel Fintushel

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Ariel Fintushel

Storage closet

Virtuaaliseen todellisuuteen sijoittuva katkelma hybridigenreisestä spekulatiivisen fiktion teoksesta 6-foot pine: life and romance in the chrondemic age. Katkelma on hahmon toiselle hahmolle antama lahja, vaatekaapista löytyvä virtuaalinen todellisuus.
A piece located in virtual reality from a hybrid-genre speculative fiction work, 6-foot pine: life and romance in the chrondemic age.

Teksti, ääni, video, toteutus | Text, reading, video, VR & AR design   Cliff Watson


In a vignette from my hybrid-genre story, 6-foot pine: life and romance in the chrondemic age, a virtual reality room is created in an old storage closet as a gift from one character to another.
In the hope of creating an immersive experience for my readers, I made an initial proof-of-concept ”VR room” in Adobe Dimension and ”walked through it” via augmented reality using Adobe Aero. Unsatisfied with the depth of the experience, I imported the room into Unity with AR Foundation to more deeply recreate themes from the story, including floating lights and sparrow-balloons. Feeling that the experience had become too sterile, I rerecorded the AR experience outdoors, used Premiere Pro to merge the Unity and Aero experiences together, and added my voiceover of the original text. 

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Cliff Watson

To Pray Without Ceasing

Nokturnon digitaalisessa residenssissä syksyllä 2020 syntynyt ”rukouskone” joka onkii aineistonsa sosiaalisen median tekstimassoista käsitellen hengellisyyden ja automatisaation kysymyksiä.
A ”praying machine” that utilizes textual environment of social media and addresses spiritual questions from the point of view of automatization and technological development. Booten created the work while working in Nokturno’s Digital Residence in Fall 2020.

Lisää tietoa Kyle Bootenin residenssistä löydät täältä.
More information about Kyle Booten’s residence project here.

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To Pray Without Ceasing