“Why should the digital world in the first place imitate poetry printed on paper? Why would I imitate a three-dimensional world, for a browser-based expression is not a three-dimensional phenomenon?” These are words from Nokturno’s interview of J.P. Sipilä, one of the most prominent and international video poetry authors in Finland. Sipilä’s thoughts have a strong […]
Ruminating Senses

Digital histories of literature

When the commemorative event of the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri’s (1265–1321) passing took place last autumn at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford University, there was (at least) one android among the guests. Ai-Da, “the world’s first ultra-realistic robot artist”, had generated for the event a selection of poems inspired by the textual mass of The […]
Poetry in all kinds of places

This issue opens with Storage closet by Cliff Watson, it was born as part of a hybrid-genre story 6-foot pine: life and romance in the chrondemic age, where a virtual reality room is created in an old storage closet as a gift from one character to another. Watson has used technologies of VR and AR […]
Guest curator issue: A shy system, a hate speech translator, and a game you can only lose

These works had their beginnings in a three-day Digital Literature Hackathon organized in April 2021, where the genre’s representatives commingled and together developed concepts for new pieces of digital literature. All of the working groups behind the works published in this issue were formed while producing these very pieces, which all incorporate themes of climate […]
Variations and reflections