
Our new editor in chief is Miikka Laihinen!

Nihil Interit ry. has chosen a new editor in chief to Nokturno! Miikka Laihinen is a literary critic and a PhD specialised in experimental contemporary poetry. He will take the wheel after Virpi Vairinen’s six year term in January 2022. In an interview in Finnish (here) Laihinen told about his plans for Nokturno. Carefully curated […]

Our poet-in-digital-residence 2021 is Mariana Marangoni!

Mariana Marangoni’s work Overflowing Gardens of Decay uses a web crawler script to search for broken URLs, dead-end links, and other forms of internet entropy. It transforms broken websites to performative spaces where unavailable material is replaced with poetry and visual art. Nokturno interviewed Mariana before the beginning of the residency. What inspired you to […]

Open call: apply now for digital residence at Nokturno!

Nokturno’s digital residence is a virtual residency program inviting poets and artists to explore and use digital resources as part of their practice. The resident is provided a virtual gallery/working space at, built together with the team of the website, and the opportunity to utilize it in for example: 1. creating and releasing a […]

The Digital Literature Project starts – the virtual events introduce digital literature to audience and enhance new digital works

During the Digital Literature Project offers events such as an open webinar for general audience and a Digital Literature Hackathon for those interested in creating new works of digital literature. The project aims to increase knowledge about digital literature and to support creation of new works of art. The open webinar Approaches to Digital […]

Nokturno collaborating in a major project promoting digital literature

In 2021 Nokturno will be collaborating in a major project promoting digital literature. DI-KI includes work shops, seminars and fascinating program open for all. The project is led by Nuoren Voiman Liitto, other partners in the joint project are ELKE ry, Aalto Studios at the Aalto University and Master’s program for writing at University of […]