Three Poems
Kolme konkreettista runoa.
Three concrete poems.
Digital and experimental poetry
Kolme konkreettista runoa.
Three concrete poems.
Kolme runoa menetelmällisen käännösrunouden runoelmasta.
Three poems from a series of procedural translated poetry.
Jim Andrewsin visuaalisen runouden työkalu Aleph Null ja bill bissettin runoihin perustuvaa visuaalista runoutta.
Visual poetry tool Aleph Null created by Jim Andrews and poems with Aleph Null based on poems by bill bissett.
Ensimmäinen kahdesta runoutta tutkivasta videorunosta.
A concrete poetry film exploring asemic poetry. First one of two.
Runot Alaviite ja nimetön.
Poems Alaviite and untitled.