On Author-Stylized Neural Network Poetry

Kaksi artikkelia ja esimerkkirunoja neuroverkoilla generoidusta runoudesta, jonka lähteenä toimii olemassaolevien runoilijoiden tuotanto. Ensimmäinen artikkeli esittelee yleisimpiä haasteita, tutkimuksessa käytettyjä metodeja sekä sen monikielistä aineistoa ja lopputuloksia. Toinen keskittyy fonetiikkaan liittyviin kysymyksiin.
Two articles on author-stylized poetry generated with neural network plus two example poems. The first article addresses the question from the point of view of multilinguality and the second one addresses phonetical aspects of author-stylized poetry generated by a neural network.

1. Guess who? Multilingual approach for the automated generation of author-stylized poetry
2. Sounds Wilde – Phonetically extended embeddings for author-stylized poetry generation

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Ivan Yamshchikov & Alexey Tikhonov
I Feel You: What makes algorithmic experience personal?

Two example poems

the time s to get closer to life

the time s to get closer to life
in and out of human faces
with you both in your own places
but its almost too cruel to try
the time s to get closer to life

the time s to get closer to life
i am and that is my mission
a whole new light in my vision
when a tear falls from the skies
the time s to get closer to life

the time s to get closer to life
i m just looking out and feeling
the tears they shed were not healing
and give them no power to write
the time s to get closer to life

* * *

At night I lay waiting for a