Neljä koetusta pysyä | Four Try-outs in Staying

Runoutta ja äänitaidetta yhdistävä teos.
A work combining poetry and sound art.

Lue tekstiä samanaikaisesti kun kuuntelet ääntä. Tekstin seassa on neljä soitinta, runo on jaettu neljään osaan. Kaikkiin osiin ei kuulu tekstiä, kaikkiin osiin kuuluu ääni. Pysy, tai mene eteenpäin tahtomallasi tavalla.
Read and listen simultaneously. There are four audio players and four segments in the poem. All parts of the poem include sound, but all parts of the sound don´t include text. Stay or move on as you like.


Imagine a person without bones.
Imagine a person without any supporting structure
without the bones that are keeping this person together.
This person might have one bone
but they will not have their whole
skeletal structure.
This person might have a skull,
and a neck keeping the skull in it's place
but they will not have a supporting structure.
This person can sleep but this person can't get up from sleep. Bees keep collecting dust from trees that grow on top of ice
and then curl up into themselves
little jewels closed eyes
sleepy yellow hues over
days and one
or two breaths and one
or two backs
that turn
and then don't turn back.
Imagine a person without bones.
their bones are melting, disappearing into the noise of their bloodstream
washed into it
like sandy riverbanks being washed
into strong river currents
Imagine their bones being
under an extreme erosion, imagine their bones
being washed away like soap washing away
and dissolving
them, imagine their bones
just not being bones anymore.
Imagine them not having bones
imagine them not even being
a body
light or
something lighter
Imagine them before their birth
when there was only the future and nothing interesting happening yet
or after their death
when everything had already happened
again but better
Imagine them just being
eyes and nostrils and lips
and wind
passing through them. 
Imagine wind
passing through nostrils and lips
and eyes
and going
in and out
like days