{[[(爱 (ài) <3)*], [(<3 爱 (ài))*], [((ài) <3 爱)*]]
Interaktiivinen teos, joka kääntää vihapuheen universaaliksi rakkaudeksi.
Interactive work translating the noise of hatred into an universal “speech – 2 – <3”.
Whilst exploring hate symbols, the cryptovalue of the white supremacists, patterns of poetry across the continents slowly process towards a universal language of love in the future. AI, the machine, together with participatory yet intimate knowledge and embodiment of the individual evolves in a generative manner. By tweaking the words and sound, those growing and derived from the rhythm of innocence on the ultimate; the heartbeat of an unborn baby. Subsequently, in this human-machine collaboration, the sonic waves of the demonstrations crash into waves of The 7 Seas.
Taiteellinen johto ja konseptisuunnittelu | Art direction & concept design Liisi Soroush
Koneoppiminen ja luova ohjelmointi | Machine learning & creative coding Camilo Sanchez
Front-end development Gurden Batra
Back-end development Agam Batra
Julkaistu Nokturnossa 2021 | Published in Nokturno 2021