sex goblet

[enshrining myself]

wherever i look there’s another island [flying]

skin keys into me, push me over / into the sound

the maiden snaps + is gone

key into me myself, darkly reconcile

green after a singe / the chorus

feed us to each other

love is a long way through

wanting good times in a ghost town

wherever i look / pleated, galactic // two faces

doubling my own

+ even then, distilling the world’s sap drip by

drip by hand by taste, firing earth into one

a fool called this “the house of honey” // Mudhushala

is the house of wine // shahad ka ghar

lip to lip the dream goes and is swallowed

loveliness takes off what she doesn’t need

now i am able to meet you, now my thirsting soul

pulls out a darkness, + in its command

what predictably there always is, a willingness

the forest where we live